If you were at the Grammar School,  as a pupil or on the staff,  or if you were associated with it in any other way,  you are eligible to join our Society,  and there are lots of reasons why you should.   For most of the members who responded to our survey last year the main reason they joined was to keep in touch.  But from our point of view, the most important reason is that without our members,  we wouldn’t be here.  And that would be a shame.  




Your subscription supports our activities,  particularly our magazine and the reunion events we organise,  keeping people in touch.   Promoting reunions needs money up front.  We also need a reliable way to contact the people who might come to them,  and your membership itself provides that.  Though the larger events are open to anyone connected with the School,   members or not,  it is our members who make them possible and make sure the others know about these events.  We need your company.






But if you aren’t feeling altruistic,  consider other reasons.  There are discounts for members on events,  and some are open to members only.  You get regular copies of SALIX,  our news and gossip magazine.  Each year you get a copy of the Membership List with contact details for all our other members except the few who want to be ex-directory.  You’ll be entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings.  You can join the committee and help decide what we do – no-one who wanted to has yet failed to be elected.   And any member can attend committee meetings and comment on what we’re up to.  We listen to our members:  if CLeWS isn’t what you want,  join and help us make it so.





We plan as soon as we can to open a section of the website to members only.  Then we’ll be able to do even more with it:  a proper bulletin-board system for member-to-member discussions,  for instance,  and maybe a get-in-touch facility to help you make contact with particular old friends.  You’ll be able to view or download minutes of meetings and details of our future plans:  stuff it wouldn’t be right make generally public.








If you’re eligible,  you can apply now.  Membership costs £10 p.a. (£16 p.a. for joint membership – two eligible partners living at the same address).  Subscriptions run from January to December.  However,  for new members joining between September and December,  the subscription will cover the period throughout the following year.   You can’t sign up  online,  unfortunately,  because we can’t take payments online.  But you can complete a membership form on your computer.  This will open in a new window,  and you can fill it in,  print it and post it to the address on the form with your cheque.    Just send your form and a cheque for your subscription  to Jeff Mann at the address shown on the membership form.

You can also pay by standing order.  Email us at membership@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk for details or for any other membership information – include your postal address if you want a standing order form.


The information you give us on the form is retained in our records for Society business,  but we won’t pass it on to other organisations without permission from you and we make every effort to keep it confidential.
