Introduction to Pupil
& Teacher Lists
In this section we have attempted to list all of the pupils who
were at Carlton le Willows Grammar School between September 1953 and July
1973 (after which the establishment became a comprehensive school). In
the ‘Class Year’ pages in this section,
there are twenty one lists of pupils, one for each of the years
from 1953 to 1972 (including subsidiary lists for each of the two years
that transferred to Bramcote Technical School in 1956), plus an extra
‘Unknown’ list where we have not been able to ascertain exactly when the
pupils attended. So far we have information on 2140 pupils; we believe
the total was around 2300. This
version is our latest, including
all corrections received up to 15th. May 2013.
Most pupils joined the school in the
first form at the age of eleven, and continued through to the fifth form,
taking GCE ‘O’ levels at sixteen. Then around a third of each year group
continued through to the upper-sixth form to take GCE ‘A’ levels at
Some pupils would join the school part way through their senior-school
years. In the ‘Class Year’ tables in this section (‘Year’ on the button),
these pupils are listed with their contemporaries, as if they had started
in the first form. (For example, someone who started in the third form in
1965-1966 is listed in the 1963 class year.)
Occasionally pupils would take GCE ‘O’ levels in the fourth form
and, if sufficiently successful, would advance directly into the lower
sixth form the following year. These too are listed with their
contemporaries, therefore are ‘out of phase’ for their later years.
Occasionally also, some pupils completed an extra year; usually this was
in order to gain extra ‘A’ levels, or improved grades, for ‘Oxbridge’
degree courses.
We understand that the School’s official register is not
available. Instead, most of the names have been compiled from lists
already published in School Magazines and Speech Day programmes,
generally the GCE ‘O’ level and GCE ‘A’ level results, but also form
prizes, sports results, and contributions to the magazines. (The major
exam results were also published in local newspapers, so much of this
information has long been in the public domain.) The lists have been
augmented from various other sources, including former pupils with good
However, the drawback of this method is that we might have missed
the names of some pupils who left prior to taking the major exams. Moreover,
the last School Magazine from the Grammar School era is the 1973 edition,
so the last ‘A’ level results are for July 1972, and the last ‘O’ level
results for November 1972. Unusually, therefore, the lists are
progressively less complete for the later years (whereas one might expect
less information the further back one searches).
Lists of teachers and language assistants have also been
compiled, generally from reports in the School Magazines and – once again
– some good memories. These lists
are not yet incorporated in this published version of the Register.
We would appreciate your assistance with correcting and adding to
these lists, so that the records can be as complete as possible.
If you yourself appear in the list and the details are
wrong, or if for any reason you
would prefer your name to be removed,
please let us know. Email
You can help us:
By checking the names that are listed.
In particular, for many of the boys we have only initials; what were
their first names? Also, in some instances, we have indicated our
uncertainty about a particular name; can you clarify it?
Can you help us to empty the ‘unknown
class year’ list, but putting people into the correct class years?
Can you tell us when teachers joined
the school, what they taught, when they left, and where they went next?
Some we know well; for others we have little information.
Remember, we are
trying to complete a twenty-year record with, at best, only seven years
of personal memories apiece.
We would also welcome information about what has happened to
anyone who was at the School, pupils and teachers. Obviously, we know
several hundred people through the Carlton le Willows Grammar School
Society, but what of the others? We suspect that most former pupils have
remained in contact with at least one or two others.
Sadly, of course, we are aware that several former pupils and
teachers have died. Without seeming to be unduly morbid, we have recorded
these names, if only that it might avoid the embarrassment, and even
distress, of trying to trace someone who is no longer with us. This ‘In Memoriam’ table will also be
added to the site in due course.
Early drafts of these lists were circulated to members of Carlton
Le Willows Grammar School Society during autumn 2006 and particular
thanks are due to all those who responded with extra information, which
added to, corrected or confirmed the names we had gathered to date. The
first public presentation of these lists was at the Reunion on 2 June
2007, and further thanks are due to all the people who contributed
corrections, further details and
many more names. This version of
the Register now has all the extra information received up to 15th.
May 2013.
The information is presented both in ‘Year’ (i.e. ‘Class Year)
tables as described above, with
an ‘Unknown’ page for pupils whose dates we don’t know; and alphabetically by name: remember the surnames in the table are
those by which the pupils were known while at school, wherever possible. (‘Year Unknown’ pupils are not
included in the alphabetical tables.)
Click on either the ‘Pupils by Year’ or the ‘Pupils by Name’
button above and then select the table you want to view from the ‘Year’
or letter buttons which will appear.