Quimper (1957)

The first School trip abroad (by a short neck) was to Quimper, in Brittany, in 1956 - and I was on board. We stayed at the "Ecole Normale d'Instituteurs',   which we were told was a boarding school for those training to be teachers,   and among the staff in charge was Fred Lee,  the first Head of Geography.   His allegation that I mistook my camera for a compass was a little mischeivous:  I knew perfectly well what a camera was,  and spent far too much time taking photographs,  which made me late returning to the 'bus.   I still have the photos and slides somewhere,  but I haven't been able to dig them out just yet.   

What stays strongest in my memory,  though,   happened on the first day in France,   when we were drenched in a sudden downpour of rain.   The girls sitting opposite me found it necessary to remove their soaking summer dresses,  and we travelled all the way from St. Malo like that,  I and the boy sitting next to me enjoying the amazing sight of two lovely girls in their underwear,  and the girls enjoying our embarrassment.

Trip to Quimper 1956

The 1957 magazine also includes a photo of one of the places we visited.    I think the figure on the right is an indigenous Breton,  rather than Fred Lee.

Pointe do Raz