Summer - selections from the School Magazine

Here's a selection of items with a 'Summer' theme from the earliest editions of the School Magazine.    I've had to do a little detective work to select some of them  -  for instance,  any mention of 'flies' led me to think an essay or poem might have been written in the Summer.

Click a link below to see each item as a pop-up page (you'll need to disable any pop-up blockers you may be using).   Most items are shown as images,   so they may take longer to load than usual especially if you are using a dial-up connection.   The introductions in italics are of course by me, Roger Pikett.

As with the other seasons in this section,   on this page and on the headings to the items, the years in brackets refer to the year of publication of the magazine.    The dates of the events,  where we know them,   are given in the body of each item.

These excerpts appear by kind permission of the present school,   which has a claim on the copyright.   But the authors - most of whom can't now be contacted - have a claim to copyright too,  so if you are one of these and you'd rather not see your work here,  please email us.   On the other hand,   if you're the author and you're happy to see your item here,  we'd love to hear from you:  perhaps there's some background to the piece you'd care to give us,  and we'd love to hear what you've been up to since you wrote or drew the item.  Email

Le Willows Badge


Salix Society report 1968

Past Pupils report 1968


'Seaside Town' by Alan Wilde (1967)

School Trip to Brittany (1957)

Essay by Joan Berridge VIA (1960)

Malham (1960)
Field Trip to Malham (1960)

Trip to Austria (1962)

Trip to Rothéneuf (1965)

The Wye
Canoeing on the River Wye (1965)


Cricket 1957
Cricket Report (1957)

Building the School Scorebox (1967)

Sports Day 1970
Summer Sports Day report (1971)

Horntelligence: Adertisement (1967)


Linocut by Alan Wilde (1968)

Story by Marilyn Markin (1962)

Motor Bikes
Story by J. Massey (1963)

The Bell (1960)
Essay by Marilyn Markin (1964)

Two in a Punt
Pastiche by D. Makins (1965)

Jelly Fish
Essay by Peter Mitchell (1968)


Crystal River
Poem by Deborah Hoyle (1963)

Return to the Town
Poem by Hilary Cox (1968)

Poem by Peter Mitchell (1968)

The Seal
Poem by Susan Town (1968)

My Silkmoths
Poem by Stephen Hoe (1968)

Noon in the Midi
Poem by Caroline Jolivet (1969)

The Music of the Days
Poem by P. Bryant (1969)

Grizedale Forest
Poem by Caroline Nicholson (1971)

Green Song
Poem by Caroline Nicholson (1971)

Linocut by Susan Biggs (1968)

School Life

School Corridor by Clare Martin (1971)

1962 House Drama
Review by Janet Wardle (1963)

Music 1967
Report by W.V.Todd (1968)

Opening Day 1956
Two reports (1956)

Speech Day 1956
Report by Isaac Stamper (1956)

Reflections of a School Leaver
Essay by David White (1959)

On Retirement
The retirement of C.R.Swaby: poem and valediction (1970)

Speech Observance
Humour by A. Parker and M. Towers (1972)