Held at the Nottingham Forest Football Ground on Saturday June 2nd., 2007
12 Noon to 6.00 p.m.
We wuz There!
We held our reunion for 2007 in the Pitch Diner at the Nottingham Forest football ground overlooking the River Trent. 108 people came,  and this year there were many more guests - mainly partners of our schoolmates - than in previous reunions.

Whether that's because we're all a little older or because the venue is more of a draw than the School for those who weren't at Carlton-le-Willows is hard to say.   It might also have been because we held it in June,   whereas most of our past reunions have been held in September.

Blue Peter badges,  as you know,  are only given to special people and so they're very rare. Our Reunion 2007 badges,  pictured above by the masthead,  are also only given to special people and are even rarer.  They were designed by Pat Tavner (née Taylor), our Social Secretary, who organised the event,  and manufactured in the United States by her daughter's company.    We presented one to every Carltonian who came to the Reunion,  along with a welcome drink.   The drinks are gone,  but we expect the badge to become very valuable over the years.
Reunion 2007 Gallery
As usual, we have prepared a photo gallery of the event.    But we've done it a bit differently so as to give you larger images.   There are seven strings of images linked in a daisy-chain,  and you can enter the chain at any string.   Just click on one of the thumbnails below and that string will appear in a pop-up window.   Adjust the window borders to suit your screen,   and then you can navigate around the whole chain using the links at the head and foot of each string. Close the pop-up window when you're done.
Look Who Came!
Lunch 1
Lunch 3
Lunch 2

The numbered photos are by me,  Roger Pikett,  as is the commentary.   Other photos are as credited,  and we are specially grateful for the photos contributed by Val Hunter (Coker) and by Brian Devlin,  who provided the images of the tour of the grounds organised by Nottingham Forest staff. Remember, like all images on this site,  these are copyright. They can be downloaded for your personal use,  but should not be distributed,  sold,  or published in any form,  physical or electronic.

The Company

As we always try to do on these occasions,  when lunch was over we got everyone together for a group photo. This time we thought a good setting would be the Forest grounds themselves and we arranged everyone on the conveniently handy seating (are they still called 'stands'?).   Unfortunately the pitch itself wasn't convenient after all,  since it had just been seeded and I wasn't allowed to step far enough onto it to place my tripod.   So we had to do the picture in three separate shots,  and everyone co-operated very patiently indeed. A certain amount of electronic needlework later allowed me to merge them into one shot,  and here it is.

You can see a much larger image in the pop-up window by clicking on the image itself.   The image will take longer than usual to appear the first time you download it,   especially if you are using a dial-up connection, so please be patient.   Maximise the window to fill your screen:   it won't fit widthways,  so use the scroll bar. Close the window before you leave.

Carlton Le Willows Grammar School Society Reunion June 2nd. 2007